
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2019

Everything will be ok 馃槉

During the lasts weeks I've had moments when I didn't know what I was doing... Everything was too much. Work, study, sleep, eat and so on. A never ending circle. I had to stop and ask myself if I was being happy, if all the effort was worth it. And do you know which was the answer? YES! Of course it is. Working is hard and very demanding at times, but I get my reward when a kid comes and gives me a hug out of nowhere. Study almost drives me crazy but I know I'm on the right path when a teacher talks to me and tells me that I can do what I think I can't. It's hard, I know it. And perhaps it will get harder. But now I know why I'm doing this. I cry, I scream, I laugh, I overthink, I try, but I never give up! ✨

Exams season is around the corner!

Hi there! The hardest time of the year has just arrived and I must confess that it makes me feel a little bit down 馃様 However, here I am to spread at least a glimpse of hope. Being this my last year at the teaching training course, I feel really tired. Is this ever going to end? Absolutely yes, sooner than I may think. I believe that many of you from the other side of the screen are also meeting deadlines, assignments and the never-ending exams. So here I am telling myself and telling you to hold on a little bit more. Let's all try to enjoy and to make the most out of the process of learning. Sometimes it feels as if there's so much to do and so little time but let things take their course. Everything will fall into place eventually. Let's take one step at a time and if there's something that slips from our hands, let the universe take control of that. Always remember that there's too much green to feel blue. Be organized, set your goal and repeat "I CAN DO

What made you decide to become a teacher?

Hi there! How was your weekend? Hope you are ready to begin a new week with the best of energies 馃挭 I was searching the net when I run into this little question: "what made you decide to become a teacher?"  Personally I had been asked this question many times before but I have never been able to come up with a response. Is it maybe that I don't see myself as a teacher yet? Or that there are so many factors that I don't want to leave any of them out when it comes to answering the question? Either way I do have some certainties about the matter. I've been teaching English since I was 18 years old (I'm 25 now in case you were wondering) and I think I would still want to do it for the following five to ten years. Throughout all these years I have learnt a lot about teaching and I'm still learning. In fact, I really like learning about teaching strategies, second language acquisition, and English itself. What I do know is that I would like to expand my kno


Hi there! This year I have been working at School with a project based on promoting reading habits. I work at a secondary school so I have to select which books I would like my students to read. I incorporated a bookshelf with about 20 books per course plus an ebook folder in Google Drive, which make a total of 250 books aproximately. I really didn't expect it would be such a success among teenagers - they were very interested in the idea of reading authentic material and non-specificaly-designed-for-eflstudents books. As it has been such a successful project I thought of sharing at least the ebook link in case someone wants to engage his or her students in reading. Here is the link to the pdf files that can be easily downloaded: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1K8ru-GKsv8Ffluhdjuvc4m3Ha3V_Nqln There are books like Harry Potter's, Game of Thrones', The Lord of the Rings', Disney Classics and many more! Hope it will be helpful! These days I think reading is